Printmaking Work
A collection of my printmaking work completed during my undergrad
Below are images of my printmaking work from my last year at Truman State University.
Bear. Linoleum cut. 2010.
Like titans or gods. 3-color, 2 linoleum plates and one found object. 2010.

A phrase from a short story I wrote.
Like titans or gods. 3-color, 2 linoleum plates and 1 found object. 2010.

This is just the above print but a different color combination. As you can see, the alignment was very off, but I enjoyed the colors nonetheless.
Pickin' me a bouquet of dogwood flowers. Two-color, two-plate, polyester-plate lithography.

A tribute to my favorite song by Old Crow Medicine Show.
Jedidiah Moonshine. Reduction woodcut. 2010.

I experimented a little with multicolored hand-brayering techniques.
Moonfishers. 2-color reduction woodcut. 2010.
Shipwrecked. Polyester plate lithograph. 2010.
Treehouse. Polyester plate lithograph. 2010.
Printmaking Work

Printmaking Work

A collection of printmaking work of various processes.
